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Musical Memoirs: Inside Ezra Vancil's 'We Were Wild

Ezra Vancil's "We Were Wild": A Journey Through Love and Life

In a cozy chat with Ezra Vancil, the mastermind behind "We Were Wild," we uncovered the intimate stories and inspirations woven into this captivating album.

Embracing the Limited Release

Ezra's decision to opt for a limited release was a spontaneous one, born from the whirlwind of his busy schedule. "I wanted my fans, who already have started to love these songs at concerts, to have the album," he shares. The choice reflects a desire to keep things close-knit, offering a special treat to those already invested in his music.

Themes of Renewal and Love

At the heart of "We Were Wild" lies a tale of renewal and love—a theme that resonates deeply with Ezra's personal journey. "This was the third album in a trilogy," he explains, tracing the narrative arc from reflection and healing to rediscovery and joy. It's a testament to the enduring power of love, even amidst life's trials and tribulations.


Crafting a Lush Sonic Landscape

Delving into the production process, Ezra reveals his quest for a sound reminiscent of his childhood idols. "I wanted something that felt like growing up with Dan Fogelberg and Gordon Lightfoot albums," he reminisces. The result is a rich tapestry of sound, particularly evident in tracks like "Texas Hills" and "Big Time."


Cover Art: A Symbol of Love's Journey

The album's cover art, featuring a striking image of Ezra's wife, serves as a poignant symbol of their shared journey. "I think of my albums like archives of love," he muses. The picture encapsulates a lifetime of memories, from childhood adventures to the triumph of enduring love.

Singles that Speak Volumes

"Big Time" and "Texas Hills," the album's lead singles, offer glimpses into Ezra's soulful storytelling. "Big Time" explores the true meaning of success, while "Texas Hills" paints a vivid portrait of dreams fulfilled—a testament to the transformative power of love and perseverance.


Archiving Life Through Music

Ezra's music serves as a timeless archive of life's moments, both bitter and sweet. "I'm an archivist of love," he affirms, highlighting his dedication to capturing life's beauty and pain in song.

For Ezra, music transcends mere entertainment—it's a vessel for preserving the essence of life itself. "I'm in love with life, and I want to write it all down in a song," he shares. Each lyric, melody, and chord progression serves as a snapshot of moments both ordinary and extraordinary, weaving together the tapestry of human experience. Through his music, Ezra immortalizes the highs and lows, the laughter and tears, creating a timeless archive that resonates with listeners across generations. It's a labor of love, a testament to the power of music to capture the fleeting beauty of life's most precious moments and preserve them for eternity.

What Lies Ahead

As "We Were Wild" marks the end of an era, Ezra looks toward new musical horizons. "I've set my mind to go in some different directions," he reveals, hinting at a more spontaneous approach to songwriting. With a new album on the horizon, Ezra's musical journey continues to unfold with boundless creativity and passion.

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